Nostalgia TV 2

“I love the front/back cover. It looks great! Thx so much.”
—Linda Prevost, author
Here is the author's Facebook post in response.
"Darlene, this is for you & your husband ... Tessa Taylor, Robert Taylor's daughter, saw the book cover & really liked it. She said it was "elegant." I thought you'd like to hear that."
—Linda Prevost, author
Robert Taylor had a long, distinguished career in film and television. As he was involved in the Congressional hearings in the late 40s, I decided to make his portrait into an 8x10 print and put it up on cork board with push pins. I used a typewriter face for the cover text and underlined the book title references, like they did with such on typewriters back in the day. The machines did not have italics style keys.

In all ways, an admirable and engrossing accomplishment. Darlene and Dan of Van-garde Imagery, Inc. took a superb manuscript and polished what I would have to say is my best work ever. Their remarkable gift will transform your favored projects into works of art, and make your fondest dreams come true.
—Martin Grams, Jr., author The Twilight Zone: Unlocking the Door to a Television Classic and The Green Hornet: A History of Radio, Motion Pictures, Comics, and Television

That TV graphic you threw in there rocks!
—Bill Devoe, Author of Twilight Zone Trivia