Promo Sheets 3
Some people are blessed with insight. Others with intuition. But when you couple those two abilities with a talent for marketing strategy and a major gift for graphic design—you get Darlene Swanson’s breathtaking approach to building a dynamite product. Darlene has created five promo-sheets for my books and I can say with absolute certainty that these are attention getters. I mean: literary agents want to represent me, producers want to promote my work to television and film companies, and many simply can’t wait to read the books. To put it simply, Darlene’s work represents my intent and goals better than I could do by myself. Every single one is fantastic and it is like waiting for a birthday gift to see what she will invent each time I ask her to make one for me. I’m excited and anxious – can’t wait to see them. And they are just right. Every time.
—Retired Major General Mari K. Eder